Hi there, the heading roughly translated means that spring would appear to be just around the corner, given the mild and peaceful weather conditions we are currently experiencing. I quite often refer back to the very broad (slang if you prefer) West Country dialect when reminiscing about my younger years, then sayings as above seemed perfectly normal when said to you by the older generation whilst showing the inevitable optimistic enthusiasm of hopefully improved all around conditions. One such example of picking up on our linguistic peculiarities was I thought very well portrayed and highlighted in the comedy series The vicar of Dibley when one of the main characters who played a church councillor would always prefix an answer with Yes Yes Yes or No No No which would be the polar opposite to the actual answer he meant. If you were to stop for a minute and refer back to many a conversation you may have had I think would be very surprised at not just how many people if not yourself use this cut down form of language to form our various accents.
The end of February hailed the end of the official hedge cutting season, and I’m pleased to say I have been very fortunate enough to have finished this winters work in good time, with no odd bits and pieces left outstanding due to poor conditions during the trimming period. On the whole I have been very pleased with the way the workload has increased quite significantly this season which was helped by the improved weather conditions during the last six months compared to previous winters when there has often been weeks if not months with little or no progress, which inevitably has an adverse impact on the finances etc.
Here we are now in the early part of March, and I’m finding myself with more time spent on my own farm which is a real pleasure as I spend so much of my working life on other people’s land that it is great to get stuck into some catch up jobs on my own patch. Although time at the Farm is important I’m only too aware it does not provide me with an adequate income to be able to spend as much time as I would like there so it is a case getting on with whatever I feel needs doing before organising operations elsewhere. Whilst spending time at the Farm I’m becoming fully aware of the wildlife activities now taking place as it becomes more active after the winter break. The birds are more vocal now as they pair up for the breeding season, I’ve also notice a lot of them busy sourcing nesting material etc and during the quieter periods of some of the better days there is this lovely buzz of nature coming back to life after its dormant period. I’ve had half a dozen or so Roe deer down around some cover at the bottom of the Farm, but on a couple of occasions last week a few nomad Fallow deer passed through to who knows where which is always nice to see. In my largest field I’ve spied a handful of quite sedate hares trying not to be noticed as they went about there daylight activities without any of the signs of the March madness normally associated with these wonderful creatures. So all in all it’s all starting to take shape, I for one never get tired of hearing the sounds of the active countryside I’m very fortunate in that respect,it is without doubt one of the best remedies I know in helping to relieve the stresses and strains of a busy working life, now let’s get back home to catch up on the latest news about BREXIT & TRUMP!!!
cheers for now