Hi there, I’m certainly not complaining, but we have been experiencing a particularly tepid spell of weather around here of late, which in turn has helped the trees maintain a good canopy of leaves. Up until this last week or so though there hadn’t been too much to talk about colour wise, but now given that we did experienced some colder conditions back along, the autumn show is there for all to see and hopefully enjoy.
The season has to change though and for once it’s nice to experience it happening at a more sedate pace. On my Sunday run this morning again there was hardly a breath of wind to blow away the the misty fog from the low lying valleys, but there was just a whisper of a breeze to detach the more fragile of leaves from the overhanging branches as I puffed around the quiet lanes surrounding my village. By now a good proportion were falling to the ground in a fashion similar I thought to confetti at a wedding. The multi coloured carpet lay there infrount of me as I made progress crunching noticeably with every footstep, I smiled to myself as I compared it to a road strewn with cornflakes mainly because a lot of them by now are of a similar colour, as well as texture. I made the most of my experience this morning as in normal (of late ) years the high winds and storms would not present such a spectacle for as long a period so I’m grateful for that, as it can and probably will change all too soon.
bye for now