Hi there, for fear of repeating myself a quick comment on the weather. As with most sectors of society the weather is the main topic of conversation none more so than perhaps this week. Whilst we here in Dorset are enjoying a very nice spell of weather being reasonably mild and placid, we must spare a thought for all of those people over in Haiti, Florida etc who are suffering the full effects of hurricane Mathew, the last news on the devastation over there suggested 900 lost soles so far, what a nightmare!! So when I was greeted by a neighbour this week telling me it was ” a bit chilly ” I was a lot less than sympathetic I can tell you. Anyway on to the subject in hand, this week being the first in October see’s me settling in to my autumn/winter work routine very nicely thank you. After a couple weeks or so of playing catch up with the hedge cutter, where I have been able to complete some smaller clients work which I couldn’t get to last winter due to the wet conditions, I have this week made a start on my local estates hedges. For me this represents a good run of work as long as the good ground conditions prevail, and just now they certainly do, so I’m progressing at a pace to make the most of it!
so my week involved Monday to Friday good days of hedging followed a bit of a change on Saturday when I had to breifly take the trimmer off to deliver a load of haylage down to a racing stable in the morning then return to put the hedge cutter back on, and continue trimming, quite a full on day. With the better weather a typical week for me should remain at about 70-80 hrs of work which to a younger man in farming may seem a tad lightweight, but is enough for me now a days. Now on the Sunday it’s my recreation day, my health and fitness are very important to me after a bit of a scare some years ago now, so first thing today after a bit of a later start it’s off for a 7.5/8 mile run-jog-stagger!! (mainly in that order!) warn down then into some business admin work i.e. Invoicing customers etc, but this week it’s preparing paperwork for my VAT return. This afternoon I will hopefully take in a 3-4 mile walk out in the countryside somewhere before getting back to watch countryfile on the box as well as the strictly result show. All this helps keep my head straight for what promises to be another full on working week given the latest weather forecast. So I’ll be bashing on with it.
cheers for now.