The summer has now left us making way for the seasonal convoy of weather frounts bringing with it the winds and rain, and whilst knowing this is all too inevitable I’m like so many others in our industry just hoping there are no serious extremes in the pipeline.
The weather is such a huge topic with more or less everyone I guess nowadays, but we do tend to just think it is us that the storm clouds have a personal grudge against at times, take my experience last week for instance when I spent some long days ploughing and preparing seed beds for some customers of mine, but once I returned to my own farm to drill some grass seed for myself the heavens duly opened up to spoil things for the time being, yet a couple miles down the road they experienced no more than a spot or two…….Typical!!
All in all the weather has treated me very well during the summer months so I can’t complain, as I know there are some parts of the country which have certainly not fared as well. I will now be settling into my main winter preoccupation of hedge cutting in earnest to complete as much as I can before ground conditions deteriorate too much so I will update you of my progress as time passes.